Bulking vs. cutting
There are two types of gym goers. One, who wants to get big, have bigger muscles and build mass. The other, who wants to have a lean body with a perfect shape. The first set of people are called bulkers and they want to bulk themselves by building mass. If you are to build bigger muscles you need to, obviously, eat big. Not only that, there is another thing that you need to be aware of when it comes to working out for mass. That is, you must lift heavy ass weight with a reduced number of sets per repetition. Say, your to do one particular exercise 10x8x8x6 times, a bulker's number of reps would look like 6x6x6 while using some heavy weights. The other set of people - the ones who wants to define their muscles by cutting the fat in every muscle part, needs to follow a very strict diet and work out as hard as you possibly can. Thing that these guys must remember is, lift a reasonable amount weight with an increased number of sets per repetition. The number of repetit...