
Bulking vs. cutting

There are two types of gym goers. One, who wants to get big, have bigger muscles and build mass. The other, who wants to have a lean body with a perfect shape. The first set of people are called bulkers and they want to bulk themselves by building mass. If you are to build bigger muscles you need to, obviously, eat big. Not only that, there is another thing that you need to be aware of when it comes to working out for mass. That is, you must lift heavy ass weight with a reduced number of sets per repetition.  Say, your to do one particular exercise 10x8x8x6 times, a bulker's number of reps would look like 6x6x6 while using some heavy weights. The other set of people - the ones who wants to define their muscles by cutting the fat in every muscle part, needs to follow a very strict diet and work out as hard as you possibly can. Thing that these guys must remember is,  lift a reasonable amount weight with an increased number of sets per repetition.  The number of repetit...

Say "No" to steroids

This has been quiet a disaster that had taken over the world of bodybuilding. People now a days want to get the best body they dream of without breaking a sweat. When it comes to getting ripped, guys there is no easy way out. You need to workout hard and eat clean, it's that simple. Your muscles need to be tortured and at the same time give time to recover, then the muscles will start ripping and eventually you will end up getting into a nice shape. A healthy diet or meals support this process immensely and that's why it is important to eat clean. As I said earlier, people these days want everything to be instant and they do not understand that there is no easy way out for everything. Science on the other hand has taken over the globe and developed various things to help this course - which is not the wisest thing to do. These products are developed using various chemicals and in the long run not healthy at all. Simply because these are not natural and things that are not nat...

Your ideal schedule

In my previous blog 70/30 Rule , I have given a gimps of what a work out schedule is. In this blog I am going to elaborate on the same in more detailed manner. Every professional bodybuilder now, during the early stages of their careers have worked out according to a work out schedule or a chart. Having said that, following a schedule or a chart is not only limited to a beginner -  of course pros do follow work out schedules - but it has it's added advantages to a beginner more compared to a pro. When you step in to a gym, you may see people doing various exercises, using various machines; but, what you don't see is that they have a method to the madness i.e. they do not just hit the gym and do whatever they prefer - however pros have developed their bodies to a level where they hit the gym and if they feel like doing legs, they do legs, if they feel like doing arms they do arms, etc. - they follow an order or a method you may call it to do their workout. This is what we ca...

The science behind your muscles

Hitting the gym and working out for some may look like a simple thing and quite straightforward, but it’s not what it looks like to you. There is some science behind it. When you watch a work out video or any bodybuilding motivational video for that matter, you will see men with well-defined muscles work out looking like beasts. Then your mind starts questioning; what makes them look like beasts? Gaining mass or defining your muscles is not just something, but it has some science behind it. I’ll simply explain the science behind this as this is no rocket science to no one. Muscles are made out of millions of muscle fibers. What it does when you work out is, say a bicep, it puts a lot of tension on your bicep muscle to a level where it gradually stretches and breaks those muscle fibers. This is where the growth starts. Then the muscle will start re-building. This is the process where the muscle starts growing. When the muscle tries to build the torn fibers, the muscle starts ...

70/30 Rule

Most of us guys think that if we go to a gym 24/7 keeping a good work-out schedule in our hands, we will get a well toned physique - which is not the case, always. Having a good work-out schedule or a 'chart' as most of us would call it, can have a major impact in you having a ripped body BUT the impact is only 30%. Now I can imagine the look on your face? Surprising it is. Yet the bitter truth is that. Your exercises will only help you 30% in maximising your gains. The rest is by your diet. "Abs are made in kitchen" It doesn't matter how much you work-out, if you want a physique that can be shown in a beach without hesitating - you need to follow a proper diet schedule along with a good work-out schedule. Most of us underestimates the value of a diet over a workout. It is true and accepted over a period that working out regularly can be the game changer but it is not the primary factor. You can go to a gym twice, trice or even all 7 days of the week, but if...

Stepping into a new lifestyle

It's a privilege for some of us that we get to live close to a gym. When it comes to that, I'm privileged enough to live just a few meters away from a gym. In fact today, my house is surrounded by not one, but three gyms. Imagine the enthusiasm of the locals to get back to shape 😊 The first gym that I stepped into was not even 100 meters away from my house and that was quite a good gym with lots of rich machines and equipment. Membership was Rs.1000 back in the day which is quite reasonable and most importantly it served my purpose; that is go to a gym and get the feel of it. The decision of selecting this gym was influenced a lot by my parents due to the fact that the owner of this gym is a family friend of ours. Being a stubborn kid, surprisingly, I also did not want to object against my parents will, thinking that it's always better to know at least one person in the gym - here, it's the owner himself. Trust me guys, it takes some courage to step into a gy...

Seeds of a passion - II

In my earlier post hope it's clear to all of you my friends, what made this deposit in my head and grew over time like a fungus. Amazingly enough, until I reached my mid 20s, I never wanted to have a Arnold like physique or bulk up. Never the less, in the deepest of tunnels of my mind, the idea of having a toned yet bulked up physique was always there, waiting for the right moment to waive it's authority over me. Then the moment came, the fire that was burning inside my mind started to take control over me, burning every obstacle on it's path. Nothing could stop it and the story unfolds like this. My best friend Lasitha 'Laiya' as all of us used to call him had become a gym rat and his growth was very prominent - like in a couple of months this tall, thin, lanky fellow became a bulked up monster with arms of about 10 inches. This made me think, how on earth this guy became so 'big'? and the answer is obviously, thanks to the gym. Laiya After few da...